CCMN-2024 is a common platform for candidates to apply for M.Sc./ M.Sc.(Tech.) programmes, based on their JAM score of year 2024, in NITs, IIEST Shibpur and some CFTIs (For details, please refer to the list of Participating Institutes on CCMN website). This centralized system provides a common and convenient platform for online counselling wherein the candidates can fill-in a single online application form and apply to all programmes in all the participating institutions to which they are eligible. The CCMN was initiated in the year 2015 for centralized admission to PG programmes and since then has undergone several changes to make it more student-friendly and include newer institutions under its umbrella. The prospective candidates are advised to carefully read the information brochure and visit the CCMN website regularly for updates and other details regarding the online counselling process.